I'm back! I've decided that today's blog will be
all about family! Scrapping what I got up to this weekend, I'm deciding to talk
all about my sister! Tonight we were invited for the stylin' cookin' of the
amazing Emma!
It all started a couple weeks back when Em decided
to let me know she was working up in Healsville every Monday and thus wanted to
come around for dinner to my place not that far away in junction. And, since
then when we're both available we meet up either in town or at Em's for dinner.
Tonight we - Cassie and I - went to hers for dinner. Now for those who
know her she is a dietitian and therefore - like the most of us - tries to eat
healthily. She asked if we trusted her to cook a meal for us, not knowing what
it was, we agreed. To our lips hit the amazing taste of a cous cous salad with
chicken! Needless to say I'm mouthwatering just thinking about it!

And so, after that we called it quits and
Just another snapshot.