Thursday, 20 October 2011


Hey all,

This day always gets to me! It’s not a bad day it just makes me think about all my friends and family. It also makes me think about God. Now I'm not gonna post a very preachy blog but it will definitely have a bit 'o' religious stuffs. The activity we did today if you haven't figured out by now was the leap of faith. To quote my older brother "we put faith in all these systems" the systems he was talking about were worldly things like banking and how it’s all electronic with very little money (notes and coins) actually passing from person to person. He also mentioned having a faith in God. For me the latter is more important however we're talking about the physical today.

The kids we have go up on the leap of faith climb a 8m high - ever so slightly - swaying telephone pole going the first 12 feet by ladder and the rest by metal rungs which are large enough to fit only one foot on and are staggered like steps. Once they have climbed to the top the stand on a wooden box, which is about the size of a shoebox or maybe a bit bigger. Finally once atop this box the aim is to stand take a standing leap and see if you can reach or grab on to the pole, which is just over 2 meters away.

The reasons behind my comments earlier were that we build up a repore with these kids so that; when it comes to this activity they put their faith in people like me. Now for those who know me will realize that they can put their faith in me for other things but take it to non life or death situation and most will see me as the little annoying immature kid I used to be (mostly) not the mature adult I have become this past year or so, thus not having faith in me to catch them at all.

Yet Program after Program kids end up trusting me and my fellow staff members to catch them. Faith is a weird and wonderful thing whether it is faith in people, equipment, banks or God. Faith is power, and to do the leap and trust in a person you've only known for 10 days to catch you and save your life is a huge thing!

Just another snapshot,

1 comment:

  1. This is great stuff Jake, your grasp on life is awesome! Love you!
